



A two-hour introductory course designed to demystify computer science and show that anybody can learn the basics. Anybody, anywhere, anytime can learn how to build a robot and make it move using computer code. The workshop also instills a foundation to Create, Explore and increases Self-Esteem.

An 8 session course providing kids a way to explore robotics like they have never seen before. With an engaging curriculum kids are able to learn basic computer code, enhance their math and science skills, as well as, engineering principles while having fun. The course also instills a foundation to Create, Explore, Don’t Give Up, Make Right Choices, Team Up with Others, Use Brainpower and Discover Purpose.

Start exploring more of the robot world with mechanical parts and electronic modules. Our new Level 2 has 3 different modules, Each module has 4 sessions, complete with moderate coding time. Based around an Arduino board, the Level 2 course will teach all about programming a micro-controller board to control physical objects using sensors. Our classes are designed to help our students develop 21st Century skills.

Learning programming is way more fun when your code controls a robot.

Enroll Today!

* Robot Kits & Laptops are provided for use during the course

By using Robotics we support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) giving them access to technology of the future and opening their eyes to greater possibilities. Tablets are for more then just games, Robots are only limited to our own creativity, and above all else we want to spark kids with the courage to START DREAM BIG.